little books of goodness

Exams looming?  Big presentation at work? Are you pregnant or do you have a toddler?

Did you know that what you eat for breakfast can make up to 10% difference in your mental performance that day?  Don’t grab that energy drink or bar of chocolate – eat well  during stressful times to provide your brain with the optimum fuel it needs.

If you are pregnant or have a child under 2 years, Omega 3 is important to the development of your baby’s brain and heart – and great for your memory and concentration – vital skills for every parent!

In this 7-page e-book, we list why these are some of the best foods for your brain.  Using these foods, I have developed for 4 completely allergy-free recipes, plus a salmon dish that I had to include as it’s such a brilliant source of  Omega 3.  There is also a whole page of ideas on how to easily integrate these foods into your day.
